To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-09-23 02:17:26
Looks like I'll get about $1,800 more tax returns in October. That will help recover balance, but the Adobe Creative Cloud was necessary. I can work MUCH faster.
Date: 2024-09-23 02:26:06
Where are you staying? I'm gonna be negotiating with Farkas about getting a place with her and the kids, cuz I can provide to her children like as if they were actually my son and his sister.
I hope things are reasonable for you and you actually realize why it was a BIG deal about your inability not to get over your PTSD from your father.
I hope you finally realize WTH happened to you.
Goodnight, there will be no hard feelings, I've just gotta be nice to Anne's children.
Date: 2024-09-23 03:59:26
I did try to love you, but I cannot accept a 4/5 return on investment which is what you've done as you'd only ACTUALLY be here 80% of the time since mum died July 5th of 2021. That is unacceptable.
I'll stay here for a month or so, then meet with Kelly. Don't worry, I won't sleep with her until I'm over you AND the Annulment is pushed through appropriately.
Which can be VERY FAST cuz I've been working with these systems longer than you innocently are thinking.
Date: 2024-09-23 15:44:34

July 5th, 2021
Date: 2024-09-23 15:51:34
You're with me and my children (which includes their adoptive and manipulative mother Anne) or you're against OUR future and OUR children's future
Please just Grow The Fark Up or Get The Fark Out of my lane.
I love you,,
Date: 2024-09-23 15:57:56

Date: 2024-09-23 16:21:51
GTFU or GTFO as per:
Date: 2024-09-23 16:42:46
I explicitly referenced and referred to the Papal Canon Law in respect to our DUTY before Our Father Who Art In Heaven as opposed to Your Father Who Art Not Yet Deceased.
I EXPLICITLY mandated that her grave be marked as a HILDA ESPERANZA BARRIONUEVO and didn't make a scene that YOUR BELIEFS were that she was and will perpetually be regarded as HILDA ESPERANZA OROZCO.
Because you appear to FORGIVE and PROTECT your abusive pedophile father who is NOTHING to you but the root of your being and copulation processes.
You're prolly blocking these comms so I'll have to post them publicly for your awareness.
Date: 2024-09-23 16:44:34
Ashley is in need of a place to sleep but I told her that I was busy with important ashes of my relationships with Kelly and Mary.
Date: 2024-09-23 20:02:27
Are you ready to act like an adult as discussed?
Date: 2024-09-23 21:41:22
And incidentally albeit you disagree with my budget for technical prowess, you understand that I disagree with your "GOD demanded that I forgive my abusive rapist and demanded that I not report my sexually abusive father."
I disagree with your reasoning, and will actually bring this as just a part of our ANNULMENT.
I cannot believe that you ignored what the Vatican ordered.
You're a hypocrite and I don't think that's acceptable as an ADULT SURVIVOR of SEXUAL ABUSE.
It is acceptable for a 14 year old DAUGHTER, but is unacceptable for a 51 year old WIFE to protect pedophiles like Father Fausto.
Comprendez vous?