To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-09-14 14:13:27


Date: 2024-09-14 14:18:02
I told you that we have a DUTY as faithful Catholics who don't leave our spouses for 20% of the time since July 5th, 2021.
Right? GTFU or GTFO.

Date: 2024-09-14 14:27:50
I 💕 love ❤️ you and when you're doing something against our responsibility as Catholic ADULTS by your acting like a Catholic CHILD I will tell you what I see.
There was a PIVOTAL change to Vatican Law in 2021, but you were distracted by the death of your mother.

Date: 2024-09-14 14:32:20
I understand why you're attacking me, but what you're doing is a form of protection for your father.
Why do you think I used the domain:
www because it's what HILDA OROZCO missed.

Date: 2024-09-14 15:59:11

Ruby wanted to go out with me last night, but I told her I was busy with a Conflict Resolution with my wife and/or my business partner.
I chose you, and to protect you from enemies foreign AND domestic, which means something more significant to a 51 year old wife SURVIVOR of paternal abuse than it does to a 14 year old daughter VICTIM or an abusive 48 year old father ABUSER.
Do you understand what OUR church issued regarding guidelines for Sexual Abuse of CHILDREN.
I have a 15 year old son, and Kelly has an 18 year old adopted daughter which means I have a bit more vested interest in protecting OUR CHILDREN from past mistakes of parents.
I love you, and I really question the sincerity of your claim that it was a mistake you made to issue a claim you should have to your father against myself, your husband.
I love you.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:06:24

Date: 2024-09-14 17:10:49
Look your apalogies mean nothing if you then continue with more of the same insulting actions and words and bad treatment of me. Please accept the call from John the evangelist he wants to speak with you. I don't care about you rag magazine gossip slandering posts.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:22:15
Then make a TRUTHFUL report of what Fr FAUSTO did to you to the ool, and/or Civil Legal Counsel.
Umm .. John the Evangelist has not a clue... Tell him to email me with and I'll review his ignorance.
I should have time to call him tomorrow or Monday.
Where are you sleeping tonight? I hope it's here with me as your husband, but you get unreliable in this case.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:29:40
If everyone but you is ignorant then you should be Jesus Christ who is the only one who is sinless and the Virgin Mary. So your apology last night and this morning was a lie? You admitted to acting like a cruel man and a few hours later now you retract your apology?

Date: 2024-09-14 17:33:51
No, I'm not retracting any alleged apologies as I do love you, and I specifically declared that I regretted and was sorry about how you may have interpreted what I spoke to you about our Catholic Duty and differential comparison of how a CHILD acts or reacts, and how an ADULT actually acts or reacts.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:34:43
Very clear indication of representation and interpretation may differ...

Date: 2024-09-14 17:35:27
They were alleged apologies then you have deemed them no apologies then?

Date: 2024-09-14 17:35:34
Depending entirely upon whether it is understood by a 14 year old daughter or a 51 year old wife.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:37:15
No, they were apologies about HOW what I intended or thought was REPRESENTED or INTERPRETED.
A very clear COMMSEC protocol.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:38:01
I speak English too I understood them as apologies for your clear accusations and insults and poor behaviour they did occur in the English language so yes I understood you clearly, so if you feel that u we're right to talk to me this way then why are you talking with your hateful wife

Date: 2024-09-14 17:38:27
I miss you and I need you as an EQUAL PARTNER not a SUBORDINATE CHILD.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:39:00
Are you acting like an adult yourself or like a vindictive vengeful cheating boy

Date: 2024-09-14 17:39:31
I love you, and you're evidently misunderstanding what I said.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:43:16
John the Evangelist is not the appropriate PRIEST from the Archdiocese of Toronto appropriately trained to deal with intimate reconciliation in the Catholic Church before God.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:43:27

Date: 2024-09-14 17:43:57
Stop harrassing and bulling me to, if you hate me for your time in jail then I guess the cops police system and incarceration institutions have won . They managed to convince you or brainwash u into hating your wife and into thinking that you can bully her and punish her for spending time in jail. They have turned ur love for me into hatred for me. If your love was ever sincere you would not hate me. You don't forgive me and you are hurting me

Date: 2024-09-14 17:45:11
Incorrect. I don't HATE you but I do LOVE you.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:45:17
So you are choosing to seek a divorce a very uncatholic action and working with the archdiocese on this.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:46:18
That said, I cannot TRUST you to respect me as an EQUAL of the ADULT class if Catholicism.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:47:22
You really need to stop pretending that you're a child who can just storm out of the room when things are not going your way.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:48:48
You treat me with hate and disgust and even cruel pity ur confused I don't doubt the prisoners and guards turned your love for me into hate, no doubt jezebel Kelly also did this to you. But you urself have shown me the most cruelty over my childhood. You sow what you reap and my God is watching the cruelty you are serving me.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:48:51
Ergo, there are times where I have suspected that you didn't receive APPROPRIATE counselling for the abuse you sustained between FAUSTO and HILDA OROZCO.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:50:37
You said it was an alleged apology this means it wasn't an apology so then you were cruel and you need to apologize and go to confession too. I am too hurt to speak anymore .

Date: 2024-09-14 17:51:13
I regard you as an equal and as an adult, yet you seem to treat me like an adult from your position as a 14 year old daughter. You're my 51 year old wife.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:51:20
So you treat me bad based on your perception of my parents

Date: 2024-09-14 17:51:33
Very simple differentiation.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:51:41
How about your childhood neglect by your mother

Date: 2024-09-14 17:51:57
This has badly affected you

Date: 2024-09-14 17:52:36
She gave her kids poor parenting and taught her boys to yell lie cheat steal from their women

Date: 2024-09-14 17:52:57
She never talked to you telling u that theft and adultery was bad

Date: 2024-09-14 17:53:17
Yelling hitting slapping a women was bad

Date: 2024-09-14 17:53:45
Never taught you that bullying stalking your wife was bad

Date: 2024-09-14 17:54:01
It is our CATHOLIC responsibility to hold child rapists like your father to account by the civil and/or criminal legal system.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:54:38
You are not sinless Isaac so your self righteous position will send u to hell

Date: 2024-09-14 17:55:30
Is it a Catholic duty to bully ur wife and to choose to divorce her Over this

Date: 2024-09-14 17:55:43
Very simple NPD footwork you have.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:56:06
Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:56:50
It's how you deploy your EVITACION module.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:56:56
Is it a Catholic duty to force your wife to leave bec she is been mistreated by her husband, is it ur duty to force me to run to the streets, as u pass by someone do u expect to be yelled at about

Date: 2024-09-14 17:57:12
Do u like a friend to pick on you

Date: 2024-09-14 17:57:34
So up bully me to death over this?

Date: 2024-09-14 17:57:49
You will bully me to death?

Date: 2024-09-14 17:58:41
I'm saying that you need to come to be an EQUAL PARTNER with your husband Mr HILLIER.

Date: 2024-09-14 17:59:02
You don't understand Spanish ur illiterate too so please spare me you poor Spanish speaking and writing efforts

Date: 2024-09-14 18:00:15
Are you proud to know the neighborhood knows that you are bulling me about a childhood event they now how violent you get.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:00:27
I'm in

Date: 2024-09-14 18:00:48
My battery is low I have to leave

Date: 2024-09-14 18:00:57
Now please return to our shared location to have a peaceful evening.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:01:41
Evening WITH me as your husband and provider of safety and security.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:03:21
As understood to be declared before God in our Father who art in Heaven's House.
Not your crazy pedophile father who isn't yet in HELL.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:05:07
I love you and respect you as an ADULT and that requires a bit more negotiability and compromise.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:05:51
Do. You. Understand. What. I. Am. Saying?

Date: 2024-09-14 18:07:36
I always loved you, which is why I give you such leeway.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:10:00
We will go to APPROPRIATE Catholic Couples Counseling not your bullshit John the Baptist who's way the fuck out of his competence.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:11:10
I've dealt with people like him before, and what you're doing is very similar to my son's mother in its variability and simplicity.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:13:13
So just grow the fuck up or get the fuck out your life together because..
I don't abuse children, and I don't tolerate pedophiles.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:14:29
You evidently have not understood the clarification of my most recent posts regarding the fact that pedophiles like Fausto have to be dealt with appropriately.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:14:51
Im out of province now I don't need a lying cheating husband don't need a cheating monkey pox husband. I don't need your horse ugly Ruby or other of your women's sexual diseases. U said u Aplogised then you just undid the apology. Think about this.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:15:22
Alright. Goodbye.

Date: 2024-09-14 18:16:13
Go jump a lake for u are a wife abuser you seem to justify ur abuse of me. You are an adulterer

Date: 2024-09-14 18:16:43

Date: 2024-09-14 18:16:48
Ugly ass Ruby or any ugly ass women is no woman

Date: 2024-09-14 18:17:17

Date: 2024-09-14 18:17:24
You have been unfaithful so you try to cover it up by making me the sinful one

Date: 2024-09-14 18:17:42

Date: 2024-09-14 18:18:43
Where should I ship your property?

Date: 2024-09-14 18:19:10
You said admire a rapist fuck off this you call love, satanic filth why are u showing me your hands aren't they dirty with all ur 💩

Date: 2024-09-14 18:20:32
R u going to call your shit faced Ruby or turd tummies Kelly u cheating filth

Date: 2024-09-14 18:21:08
Do I see how dishonest you are been?

Date: 2024-09-14 18:24:43

Date: 2024-09-14 18:33:43

Date: 2024-09-14 18:34:26

Date: 2024-09-14 18:34:55

Date: 2024-09-14 18:35:04

Date: 2024-09-14 18:35:14

Date: 2024-09-14 18:36:34
Rec: So just grow the fuck up or get the fuck out your life together because..
I don't abuse children, and I don't tolerate pedophiles."
You don't abuse children but you do like to verbally, physically abuse your wife, right. The fact that you are happy at the idea that I'm out of your life shows you love me right? Just checked what hands up meant looked Masonic but it meant joy right? Why are you doing this, so u want to hurt me so you can hang out with some monkey pox . I was ur ' conflict resolution'? So you have made a great resolution then right?

Date: 2024-09-14 18:40:41

Date: 2024-09-14 18:41:29

Date: 2024-09-14 18:50:49


Date: 2024-09-14 18:53:02

Date: 2024-09-14 18:53:49

Date: 2024-09-14 18:59:30

So is it safe to assume you're going to be late for dinner?

Date: 2024-09-14 19:10:56

Date: 2024-09-14 19:18:19
When you come back (you're VERY predictable hereby) just try to make sure you have a reissued SIN card, and Ontario ID c Rd d. The others we can work together for 4-8 months p

Date: 2024-09-14 19:23:23
Sorry I was yawning and it tipped the phone. You know that I doubt you left the province, are just staying with an OROZCO or whatever.
Your lies and confabulation are interesting. Luv,.-Isaac

Date: 2024-09-14 21:35:25