To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-09-11 09:32:14
Maritza I love you and we need to talk like adult and adult, not like father and daughter okay?

Date: 2024-09-11 17:11:12
You don't respect your husband.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:14:56
Leave me alone. There are some many chances at. Communication that I can give . I have given you many chances to change. You are abusive I'm nobodie's whore, bitch, nobody tells me to go fuck off, and less to go fuck my parent. You don't respect me who is your wife. If you treated a friend this way she would cut off communication with you. Why should I be less than a friend , I am worth more than any friend of yours. You don't apologize for your slanders, gossip, insulting words to me.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:15:23
This is why you keep your HILDA OROZCO last name, because you're ASHAMED of the world knowing you as MRS HILLIER or MRS BON HILLIER
Because FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO is the only man you want to be a part of.
So fuck you. I love you, but you EVISCERATE me 20% of the time.
And then you play stupid on the phone.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:19:15
Why do you get so much pleasure at putting down your wife? Why? So you hate me I see . I love you but u have shown u love ur ego n yourself more. There is no room for me in your heart. Ur inflated ego n fantasy are taking up all that space. Ur hatred of me is great you should go confess u r sinning greatly. Hope u don't betray me more hobo ruby and crooked Kelly or do other homewrecker self righteous bitch.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:19:25
So go fuck your daddy, because I'm not MAN ENOUGH for your HO'ROZCO trampstamp tastes.
Come back as an equal, change your legal name to mine, or get the fuck out of my life.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:20:06
That is not true , you are deluded. Goodbye then

Date: 2024-09-11 17:25:40
PS: And it is recommended that you immediately begin Civil and/or Criminal legal action against Mr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO for sexual and physical abuse you allege occurred against your consent in 1987 after your brother died.
This is not a negotiation. I love you, but I love you PERPETUALLY so your childish walking out on me will not be tolerated.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:29:54
You owe me a lot of apologies, I am saying goodbye. Because you call me names like trampstamp, HO'ROZCO, and the above. I love you n only you but you love yourself more than me. You said it in previous emails , texts phone messages that You love your son and his half sister more, you love others strangers children over me . You are a self righteous bastard. Look at your own actions. I am a rape victim but you falsely accuse me of loving the rape nd rapist. You are sick in the head. Get help before that rage eats you up. You don't want to end up in hell. Go to confession. Go talk to a priest please. This is goodbye, don't contact me anymore. I won't respond, you have lost me due to your cruelty, slander, insulting putdowns, physical verbal n psychological abuse. I forgive you for your cruel treatment , but u are not sorry. Goodbye

Date: 2024-09-11 17:30:00
If you come back, we just had a disagreement as two adults, a 42-yr-old husband with my 51-yr-old wife.
If you don't come back, you're still a 14-yr-old daughter and lover of Mr FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:31:31
Don't threaten me with a delusion of been stuck in the past, if you don't apologize I'll never come back

Date: 2024-09-11 17:34:12
This entire accusatory convo is not a disagreement between two people. Ur wrong and u don't apologize you think ur in the right. U are the one who disrespects me. U will either apologize or this will end with both of us on the rocks.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:38:07
Voicemail 2 New 0 Urgent

Date: 2024-09-11 17:43:30
Unless you seek counselling about your mistaken delusion I don't want to talk to you. I said seek counselling and please talk to a priest your soul is in danger of perdition.
You have bullied me for too long. Goodbye.

Date: 2024-09-11 17:52:56
Voicemail 3 New 0 Urgent

Date: 2024-09-11 18:25:07
I have been open with you, my half orange, about the fact that I am only referring to the physically abusive actions of Mr Fausto Enrique Orozco, and not going to pursue the sexually abusive actions unless he opens the door. Knowing this, you walked out on me Monday May 2nd, evidently trying to prevent the criminal acts of Fr Fausto Enrique Orozcofrom being perceived and subsequently punished to and beyond the fullest extent of the law. Why would you do this?
I have underscored the similarity of being forced to insert a syringe into your body which contains a "nanominal fluid", and a phallus which contains a "seminal fluid", into your body either through the arm, the stomach mouth.. the vagina, or the anus. You have decried the weakness of those who allow themselves to be injected with the "nanominal fluid", yet you see no reason NOT to punish one such as Fr Fausto Enrique Orozco for the forcible injection of his "seminal fluid". I believe you use the term Stockholm Syndrome to describe these kind of people; they that defend their attackers against sequela or the consequences to their actions.
When we were married Mar, you presented as someone who was regretful about the violations imposed upon you by Mr Fausto Enrique Orozco, and sad or dismayed that justice was not served. Recently however, when I have described to you a path of retributive justice which is available, you just keep shutting me down. If not by calling the police, then by walking out on me for a day or two.. But more recently you've taken it to a whole new level, knowing that my JPT is scheduled for Monday you are seemingly intent on having me drop my intended course of action, or you will never return home.

Date: 2024-09-11 18:26:01
To this I tell you that I married you, a protector (but not a rapist protector), a demonstrator, a fighter and a SURVIVOR, but I most definitely did not marry a VICTIM. By denying me the right to defend you against enemies foreign and domestic, you are once again acting to castrate or otherwise emasculate, your husband. Just like that moment in 2011 when Fr Fausto Enrique Orozco made his first appearance our life, and you IMMEDIATELYdemanded that your husband, your protector, flee from Mr Fausto Enrique Orozco the Latino Pedophile and Childhood Therapist whom you protect, respect and fear.
Yo are comfortable in your fear, allowing it to dictate your response patterns to beloved Fr Fausto. My motto is to feel the fear and do it anyway, which requires that one not lose their head and act like a VICTIM. I am a SURVIVOR, and I have survived countless situations which were presumed to end poorly. I felt the fear, but I did not lose my head; therefore, I manage to emerge with one of the best possible outcomes.
I married a survivor, and I did not marry a victim. I don't know you, Mar. I love you, but I cannot stand by as consistently play the victim card and just exit the arena instead of confronting and resisting tyranny where it stands. I married a SURVIVOR, not a chronic VICTIM who seems to hunt out the nearest opportunity to put up no resistance to evil.
I will not coddle you like a 14-yr-old VICTIM, but support you as the 48-yr-old SURVIVOR I know you can be. You comport your attitudes to those of Leonidas your brother, and not Isaac your husband. That is untenable, for I married a strong hearted woman who knew what "feel the fear, and do it anyways" meant. Or so I thought, as it appears you are not who I thought you were.

Date: 2024-09-11 18:26:38
Goodbye. I'm sorry that you cannot love me as I love you. I'm sorry that the wick to our Conjugal Love candle hath burned dry. I will always remember how powerful you could have been, for I do not see that in you now. Please research Childhood Interpersonal Trauma, and try to understand why you refuse to know, and be known by, you husband, your half orange, your Chad. Try to figure that out before you enter into another relationship, for it is as I have said many times, that you have failed to put away childish beliefs and actions, and failed to really grow up.
I married a 37-yr-old woman, but I have been saddled with a 14-yr-old girl. I don't marry children, and I don't make love to children, as I'm not a pedophile. Do not project your normative Fr Fausto appetites on me, for I detest that you treat me as a children's-therapist punisher. Not every criminal is so fucked up as your father. Talk to Dr Mary Marrocco about your pattern of identifying those that love you most, with your kiddy-fucker father.

Date: 2024-09-11 18:27:19
I'll always love you and miss what we could have been TOGETHER.

Date: 2024-09-11 18:47:51
Don't write or speak to me again, you are a but fat bully. Your soul is empty and full of hate. I'm done with ur insults all you have said above are self righteous pompous insults, you have verbally abused me, don't forget you injured my arms and legs when I called the police that day u said you did nothing wrong. This last time you injured my nose, the second last time I tried to leave because you were again insulting me you injured my right ring finger all bec u accuse me of your false accusations that if I don't go to the police to report an abuse that I love the rapist. I don't write to me again or contact me, May Jesus Christ show you how you have wronged your wife. You have sinned against God .

Date: 2024-09-11 20:52:56

Date: 2024-09-11 20:58:59

Date: 2024-09-11 21:06:40

I told you I lined up Kelly beginning as soon as May of 2022 right?
I love you, and you care about the health and welfare of your father more than you care about the health and welfare of my son and his sister, including their adoptive mother.
It hurts me for you to preserve your alleged abuser Father Fausto Enrique Orozco. You keep his trampstamp all over your identity.

Date: 2024-09-11 21:16:03
I told you that Kelly was my back-up in case you went full-scale pedo protector on me...

Date: 2024-09-11 23:17:41
I don't trust you, I'm sorry.